We all love having a beautiful smile to flash to the world and exude a spirit of confidence and freshness. However, this smile may be affected when your teeth have stains or discoloration, or are chipped, broken, worn-out or misshapen. To get your smile back and to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy in the process as well, your dentist may suggest any one of the different types of cosmetic dentistry.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you are looking to restore your smile and make a positive change to the appearance of your teeth and mouth cavity then teeth, then you go in for this procedure known as cosmetic dentistry.

By Doing This You Can:
    1) Help align your teeth in the right manner
    2) Enhance the colour of your teeth and make sure it is as close to dazzling white as possible
    3) Make your smile perfect even in the case of a broken or chipped tooth
The professionals at Sweet Smile Clinic Pune offer different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures to help patients regain their smile and their confidence.

Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

There are a wide variety of elements that are used in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Most popular cosmetic dental procedures are carried out in Sweet Smile Clinic Pune or wherever you are located. 

Let’s look at the different types of cosmetic dentistry procedures:

1. Teeth Whitening 

  • If you are looking to enhance the colour of your teeth, you can go in for an appointment for teeth whitening in Pune or the city or town you are residing in.
  • Also known as bleaching, this is a very cost-effective way to improve your smile.
  • At every visit, there is a bleaching solution applied by the dentist to the affected tooth or teeth.
  • The patient may also be given a bleaching solution to be applied by him or her at night for a couple of hours. After about one to six weeks.

2. Dental Implants 

  • If you have encountered a missing tooth or a misshapen tooth, then you can opt for dental implants in Pune or the city you are located in.
  • It can be a good procedure to replace a tooth or reconstruct your mouth.
  • Dental implants are artificial roots made in the shape of teeth and are usd for correcting gaps between teeth.
  • These work especially for patients who experience poor conditioning of dental muscles, painful dentures or tooth breaking due to an injury.

3. Dental Veneers 

  • In these types of cosmetic dental procedures, custom-made shells are made in the shape of teeth. 
  • These are used for covering the front layer of the affected tooth or teeth.

4. Dental Crowns 

  • Also known as a cap, a dental crown is one of the more popular types of cosmetic dentistry procedures.
  • By replacing the entire damaged or decayed part of a tooth, it can restore the shape, size and strength of the tooth.

5. Dental Bonding

  • A tooth-coloured resin is applied to teeth and hardened with UV or laser light.
  • This kind of cosmetic dentistry procedure is useful for repairing decayed or chipped teeth.

Therefore if you want to regain your smile and make sure that your teeth and mouth are healthy, then do visit your cosmetic dentist in Pune at the Sweet Smile Clinic Pune or whichever city you are located in.